The Ratskin Gang List

Most Underhivers steer well clear of the Wastes and stick to the settlements and No Mans Land. Only those who have no choice live in this ruinous, polluted, spider haunted hell hole. Only them and the Ratskins.

The Ratskin tribes shun the settlements of the Underhivers and live as the Hive Spirits intended. Most of these elusive urban primitives avoid all contact with outsiders, but a there are those, mostly outcasts from Ratskin society, who form into bands of raiders and attack the gangs in the local area. They maintain a low technology base, using weapons such as bows and black powder muskets and they use their expert tracking and survival skills to ambush their unsuspecting enemy.

One of the most feared aspects of these raiding parties is the bone waving mystics that frequently accompany them. These Shamen wield strange powers which they use to devestating effect, confusing their enemies and making them loose all sense of direction.


Ratskin Special Rules


Ratskin Gang List


Ratskin Experience